How to turn off Cellular Data on iPhone ~ Cell Phone Reviews

How to turn off Cellular Data on iPhone


Written on 9/11/2009 04:21:00 PM by poison_ivy

Okay, so I recently got an iPhone, right? Well, one of the things I hate about it is its constant need to connect to the Internet. Now this won't be a problem for those who are on unlimited data plan but it would be a pain in the a** for those on Pay as you go, ESPECIALLY those who are in other countries and are on a roaming plan.

So what should you do to make sure that your iPhone doesn't connect to any cellular data network? Well first, you should turn off any push notifications. You can do that by going to settings, "mail, contacts, and calendar", fetch new data, and then turning it off.

But in order to be REALLY, REALLY, sure, just put a different apn on your cellular data network. You can do this by going to settings, general settings, network, and cellular data network. Just add another letter to the default apn and your iPhone shouldn't connect to your carrier's servers and use up data.

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