New Windows Mobile Phones ~ Cell Phone Reviews

New Windows Mobile Phones


Written on 11/06/2009 03:50:00 PM by poison_ivy

You're probably wondering what all the hubbub is about the "windows phone". Well, Microsoft's aggressively marketing their "windows phone" and to tell you honestly, windows mobile phones have been around for some years now. They were previously known as "pocket pcs", "windows CE phones", "windows mobile", and now "windows phone". This marketing campaign may have been brought on by the fact that Android and iPhone are slowly eating into Microsoft's smartphone sales so they need to infuse a new life to their mobile operating system.

Microsoft's most recent mobile operating system is known as Windows Mobile 6.5 and mobile phones running WinMo 6.5 are known as "windows phones". Currently, the mobiles phones supporting Windows Mobile 6.5 or the new Windows Mobile Phones for the year include: the HTC Diamond2, HTC Touch Pro2, Samsung Omnia 2, Samsung Omnia Lite, Samsung B7610 OmniaPro, Samsung Xperia X2, and more recently, the HTC HD2. Acer also has some handsets that support Windows Mobile 6.5.

There are probably more to come and since Microsoft's next generation of mobile phone OS is slated to be released sometime in 2010 (Windows Mobile 7), expect more new windows mobile phones in the upcoming months.

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