Samsung's Bada OS ~ Cell Phone Reviews

Samsung's Bada OS


Written on 12/10/2009 01:44:00 PM by poison_ivy

Samsung has been doing a pretty good job of covering up WinMo with their TouchWiz interface and they did a good job with the Samsung Jet as well. In fact, whenever they put their TouchWiz interface in any of their mobile phones it looks like their own mobile OS so it's no wonder that they finally decided to built their own OS and it's called: Bada.

Although some might dismiss Samsung's Bada as nothing more than a java based platform, look again. At Bada's launch event in London, Samsung brought along their app partners such as Gameloft, Capcom, EA, and Twitter. Of course, these partners might just be bringing along their java applications but hopefully, we'll see something more. Who knows, Samsung might be able to compete with the iPhone's app store.

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