Best Remote Desktop Application for the iPhone
Written on 4/01/2011 06:46:00 AM by poison_ivy
I know there are a lot of remote desktop application for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch but my current favorite is the RDM+. Why? Read on below as I gush about this software.
First of all, RDM+ is my favorite because its the only remote desktop application that is priced just right. $9.99 for the full version is lighter on my pocket than say $19.99, etc. for an app that basically does the same thing.
Set-up is easy, you only have to download the RDM+ client on your PC or MAC and you can gain access on your computers using WiFi or even 3G connection.
RDM+ supports mouse functions and keyboard inputs. There's also a shut down, log off and restart direct commands without you having to call up the taskbar. You can also pan and zoom anywhere on your desktop.
My favorite about this app is the multimedia remote. I think RDM+ is a must have for those with home theater PCs as you can easily pause, play, and skip your multimedia application. Works really well with VLC player and I don't have to download the separate VLC remote app.
Another favorite feature of mine is the multiple display support. I have my PC hooked up to my LCD TV and when I'm watching videos, I always use my LCD display. RDM+ switches between displays seamlessly. Of course, since you're using a smartphone, watching videos on your remote desktop isn't really smooth. The videos skips but using the multimedia remote is instantaneous.
And last, I love the fact that I can still use RDM+ even when someone else is using my PC. There's one application I tried wherein you are automatically logged off once a user is using the desktop and vice versa.
My rating for this app? 5/5 stars. It's useful and has the best bang for your buck. If you enjoyed this post Subscribe to our feed
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You said, "And last, I love the fact that I can still use RDM+ even when someone else is using my PC. There's one application I tried wherein you are automatically logged off once a user is using the desktop and vice versa."
How does one do this?