Motorola Pro XT610 stuck in bootloader mode: Unbrick your phone ~ Cell Phone Reviews

Motorola Pro XT610 stuck in bootloader mode: Unbrick your phone


Written on 1/16/2012 02:30:00 AM by poison_ivy

The Motorola Pro is one of my favorite Android phones, which reminds me that I have to post my review of that phone soon. Anyways, I recently encountered a problem with my Motorola Pro after resetting the phone to factory settings and pulling out the battery, my Motorola Pro suddenly encountered a bootloader error.

The XT610 took a while to boot up and then it went to a black screen with bootloader mode on it and a bunch of other things I forgot. Rather than take it to Motorola which would take ages, I decided to take matters in my own hands and google the problem. I'm glad to say that I managed to unbrick my phone thanks to a few helpful websites. Here's what I did (do this at your own risk, I will not be responsible for anything that will happen to your phone):

1) First, make sure that your phone's battery is fully charged. Since you won't be able to charge the battery via your phone since its bricked and all, get one of those cheap clip-on chargers, it worked for me.

2) Download the appropriate sbf file. This file is the ROM that would bring your Motorola Pro back to life. For European/GSM Motorola Pro's, use the file here, for CDMA/Verizon Droid Pro your sbf files can be found here at the second post, you need to register to see the link.

3) Next download the needed drivers and flashing utility (rsdlite) found here at the second post.

4) First install the drivers. I had trouble installing the drivers on my windows 7 machine so I used my parents' old windows xp PC.

5) Turn on your bricked phone and wait for it to be in bootloader mode then connect to PC and run rsdlite. Make sure that your phone is detected so better use the back USB ports of your PC.

6) In rsdlite select the appropriate sbf file then run start. Wait for it to finish and ta-da! Your phone is unbricked.

Many thanks to the guys who provided the sbf files!

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