HTC's update to TouchFlo 3D leaked ~ Cell Phone Reviews

HTC's update to TouchFlo 3D leaked


Written on 6/29/2009 02:59:00 PM by poison_ivy

If you think HTC's Sense on the HTC Hero is just spiffing hot, WinMo lovers may want to wait it out a while before converting to Android since it seems that HTC is working on an update to their TouchFlo 3D interface with a version 2.5.

Based on the videos, you won't see WinMo's classic interface since HTC buried it deep on their TouchFlo 3D v2.5. Even the settings menu which is usually where you will first see the WinMo classic interface is covered up with HTC's new interface.

Sweet. If this new interface could be available to the HTC Touch Diamond 2, then the latter is luring me in more and more. Somebody keep my credit card away. Check out the video demo below.

Via: SlashGear

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