Mobile Broadband in the UK
Written on 11/02/2009 06:05:00 AM by poison_ivy
Research in wireless technology has been undertaken for many decades. Accessing the frequency using receivers was first adopted in radios. Later the technology was adopted in using ad hocs, that is transfer of data within a network. But the release and advancement of the mobile technology has greatly changed the world from accessing data. After the usage of mobile phones people have started hating wires and want to access every possible electronic gadget using wireless.
Repeated efforts of the researchers, ISP's and support from the government has given the opportunity for the people of UK to access the mobile Internet. Initially Internet access to the mobile phones were given using the GPRS technology. But the connection was a little slower and was not helpful for wider usage. Also there were many challenges in transferring the data in a voice frequency. But the technologies like GSM, CDMA, and HSDPA has made access of a broadband service using a mobile device. The device can be used in a regular computer to access the Internet at a faster rate.
The broadband providers in UK has introduced many mobile broadband plans that can offer a maximum speed limit of 7 to 8 Mbps. This service can be obtained by purchasing the mobile broadband device from the respective ISP's. The device is similar to a USB dongle which we use for data storage in a USB 2.0 port. This device will not have any compatibility issues with any of the computers running windows XP SP3 and above.
Since this broadband service works using the same technology like the mobile phones, its important that the user receives a better signal. A better signal strength will result in a better speed of access. Its important for users to access a online availability checker which can provide details about the ISP, speed limits and various plans by using their postal codes. There is a also a possibility of the signals getting cut off while the device is connected in a closed area or areas where any other frequencies might interrupt.
The device does not trouble the users for installation instead it installs the required software automatically from a inbuilt memory. Users are required to save the user name and the password which will be provided by the ISP only for the first time. Later the users have to just click on the connect button to get connected. This helps the users to just carry the device with them and use the Internet from any computer instantly.
The usage of the Internet every month is calculated and then billed. But for non-frequent users and others who do not want to commit for a monthly payment can now choose to use the PAYG broadband service. The PAY-G service will allow users to top up the device based on the amount of download. New technologies like VOIP which helps the business customers to use a variety of business applications is also available using a mobile phone and broadband service.
The mobile broadband has added hopes to millions across the country to gain faster access to the Internet where ever they go. Plans are also taken by the government to provide an average of 2 Mbps connection to all the house holds.