Next Android OS: The Froyo
Written on 1/18/2010 02:01:00 PM by poison_ivy
If you're an Android fanatic, you know that Google has a way of codenaming their upcoming Android updates. First it was the Cupcake, then the Donut and then Eclair. You know that their codenames have something to do with food, most of them are sweet and that it's in alphabetical order so most people in Android forums have come up with a guessing game on which name will be next. A lot of people are betting on "Flan" but looks like it's not "Flan" but "Froyo", according to Engadget.
Of course, what we have right now is just a name and no details at what updates are contained in the upcoming OS but whether it's Flan, Froyo or Fruit Salad, I just want it to be compatible with my Motorola Milestone.
Hmmm, I suddenly felt the craving for a red mango. :D
ooohhh, pinkberry! Yum-yum!