Metal Gear Solid Mobile Review
Written on 6/12/2008 03:26:00 AM by poison_ivy
Let’s face it, mobile platforms are not exactly a gamer’s dream. For one, mobile games, particularly java games don’t have the same look and feel as stand-alone game consoles. The graphics on mobile games are only 2D plus, sounds and controls are not made for the gaming environment. However, Metal Gear Solid Mobile has actually changed the way I see mobile games.
Metal Gear Solid Mobile is not your ordinary java game. For one, the graphics are rendered in 3D and it is the mobile game ported from the original platform. One downside though is since it is a ported game, you naturally need a lot of controls so there’s a learning curve involved.
The game is somewhat difficult specially with the keypad learning curve thrown in but once you get used to using your phone’s keypad and D-pad, everything is smooth sailing from there.
Konami did a tremendous job on Metal Gear Solid Mobile. Players with camera phones are in for an added treat as they can take a picture of their surroundings and have Snake use it as camouflage. Low-end to Middle-end phones with slow processors would find that keys are sometimes unresponsive.
As for game cheats for this game, I don’t know whether the original Metal Gear game cheats would work since this is a different platform but I assure you that you won’t need them as the game is easy enough to play though it would be cool if some of the Metal Gear Solid 4 cheats would be integrated into the game.
One of the reasons I have been a fan of the windows mobile platform is that most games for windows mobile are in 3D but if other game developers follow Konami’s lead, I might actually use Nokia phones more often (Nokia, don’t get your hopes up). Overall, this mobile game deserves a 5 out of 5 stars.
*links in italics are sponsored links.