The Mobile Revolution ~ Cell Phone Reviews

The Mobile Revolution


Written on 7/01/2008 02:36:00 PM by poison_ivy


If you haven't noticed it yet, there's a mobile revolution going on. Everything is about portability, going wireless and being connected all the time. That is why you can find WiFi on almost every imaginable device, from picture frames to TV.

Though I'm a mobile phone addict, I was under the mistaken impression that mobile phones are just a passing fad. That is why I passed up the chance to buy some stocks of a wireless carrier and 5 years later the stocks I was supposed to buy has now increased 400%.

So what can be learned from my booboo? If you're into investing and franchising, your best bet is to invest in any communications franchises. Advertisers are finding their way on our mobile phones, ultra low-cost pcs or netpcs are popping up everywhere, more and more mobile phones are offering faster data transfers to cater to mobile web browsing. Proof that people are clamoring to be connected ANYTIME, ALL THE TIME.

So any business related to communications should not run out of customers, unless of course it becomes over saturated but like what any entrepreneurs say, strike while the iron is hot.
*links in italics are sponsored links.

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