Free Instant Messenger for your Mobile Phones ~ Cell Phone Reviews

Free Instant Messenger for your Mobile Phones


Written on 9/05/2009 04:07:00 PM by poison_ivy

I've recently been using Yahoo! Messenger a lot and it' s cool that the iPhone has a free Yahoo! Messenger application but I'm having a hard time finding a free one for my Windows Mobile phone. I have like, three mobile phones with three different carriers and I would like to have an instant messenger application for them too so in case I feel the need to just carry around one mobile phone, I would have a choice instead of just sticking with the iPhone just for its Yahoo! Messenger application.

Well I finally found a solution: Palringo. I've been hearing about Palringo a lot in the forums I frequent but I really didn't give that much attention to it until I felt the need to have an instant meseenger for all of my mobile phones. Palringo doesn't just work on one mobile platform alone, it works for ALL mobile phones because thank goodness, the developers know that they'd have a much larger market if they make one that would be compatible with all phones.

Palringo would work on your Windows Mobile handsets, Android phones, Symbian, Blackberry, java capable phones, and yes, even the iPhone and iPod Touch if you don't want to be stuck with just Yahoo! Messenger. You see, Palringo is a universal instant messenger and works with services such as:

  • Windows Live Messenger (MSN)
  • AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
  • Yahoo! Messenger
  • Google Talk
  • ICQ
  • Jabber
  • iChat / MobileMe
  • QQ
  • Gadu-Gadu
  • Facebook Chat (Alpha)
I'm actually quite impressed with the software on my HTC Diamond2. I can easily send voice messages to my IM buddies. Of course, it would have been much more cooler and better if you can retrieve your voice messages from the application instead of Palringo giving you a link to their website in which case, you have to open your phone's browser and download the voice messages.

Oh, well, for something that's free, Palringo is better than I'd expect. I really love this application and it's a must have for those who always needs to be connected with their instant messenger buddies.

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  1. Anonymous |

    what about the new SHMESSENGER? I've heard it is quite good. Did anyone used it?

  2. Bill Smyth |

    Sorry, it does not work on ALL phones. I have a Palm Pixi and there is no download for it.


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