Blackberry Storm 2 in the works ~ Cell Phone Reviews

Blackberry Storm 2 in the works


Written on 4/08/2009 05:52:00 PM by poison_ivy

If you've previously chucked your Blackberry Storm since you can't quite stand their type interface, then you might be interested to know that another Blackberry Storm is in the works.

Though it is still unsure whether the next generation device would retain the name "Storm" (because of all the bad reviews and publicity, according to PhoneArena, that is), the thing that is sure about this device is that it would have a new type interface called "TruePress".

Blackberry also confirmed that the Storm will carrier exclusivity by the end of 2009. Hmm, hopefully the Storm 2 would lose all its chunk. I didn't mind the SurePress although I am curious about the "TruePress" interface. Well, knowing Blackberry, it's probably going to be as innovative as their first type interface.

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