Next Samsung Armani GT-B7620 outed by Bluetooth group ~ Cell Phone Reviews

Next Samsung Armani GT-B7620 outed by Bluetooth group


Written on 7/15/2009 03:10:00 PM by poison_ivy

Honestly, I think Samsung's Armani phones are pretty boring. The first one, a small, touchscreen phone is REALLY slow, the second one, a candy-bar phone which doesn't have any great features except for the Armani branding. Now, this rumoured next Samsung Armani phone might just be right up my alley.

According to the specs found in the Bluetooth group's website, the Samsung Armani B7620 will run Windows Mobile 6.1, have an 800 Mhz processor, WAP 2.0, FM radio, GPS, business card reader, etc.

Although I don't know how Pocketlint is able to conclude that the B7620 is the next Armani phone, but hey, they are a good source of news and has been proven reliable in the past.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous |

    Seems like the phone has to be unlocked as well


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