My mobile phone time is always late ~ Cell Phone Reviews

My mobile phone time is always late


Written on 9/05/2010 04:11:00 PM by poison_ivy

I've just noticed this recently but it seems that the time indicated on my mobile phone is always late. This actually made me late for work because I rely on my mobile phone to tell time and don't wear a watch anymore. Big mistake that was. Anyways, I thought this problem was limited to a specific handset. I was using a Samsung B7610 that time and every time I reset the clock it turns back to the delayed time.

I finally figured out that the problem seems simcard specific. When I cut my current sim to be a micro sim for my iPhone 4 and put in a PAYG sim card on my old phone, my iPhone's time became late while my old phone tells the right time. I searched about this and it seems others in the US under AT&T are experiencing the same problem and some suggested that its the sim card and how it was programmed that was the problem. Just an FYI for those experiencing late time on their mobile phones.

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1 Comment

  1. Best Mobiles |

    If you are having a problem with the timer in your phone then you are probably going to some other problems as well which are associated to the time in your mobile. I would advice you to change your handset.


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