Why I want Access to the Amazon App Store Outside the US ~ Cell Phone Reviews

Why I want Access to the Amazon App Store Outside the US


Written on 3/24/2011 03:39:00 PM by poison_ivy

For the last 24 hours, I've been trying and searching the net on how to access the Amazon App Store outside the US. For those not in the know, the Amazon App Store for Android has just launched and yes, while you can download the apk file from Amazon, you can't actually download any apps because Amazon set up a region restriction and currently, only persons in the US can purchase and download from the App Store.

I've tried everything, from setting up a VPN account, to rooting my phone and faking my SIM ID to read as T-Mobile's but nothing is working. I'm still getting that region error.

So why do I badly want to download the Amazon App store when in others opinion, the Android Marketplace is actually better? Three words: FREE PAID APPS. Yes, Amazon offers paid apps for free everyday. It's a different app everyday so it can certainly increase an Android user's app collection. I really wish there would be a website like freeappaday (FAAD) for Android and Windows phone 7 users. I think one of the reasons why the iPhone has such huge following is because of the availability of quality free apps and the fact that iPhone users can score paid apps for free for a limited time thanks to websites such as FAAD.

And so, with a deep sigh, I think I really do have to wait until Amazon allows us UK users access to their App store. Until then, all I have to do is look longingly at Angry Birds Rio.

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